Bizarre Change of Fortune
(Bonus Breaking News!)This entry is part 18 of 18 in the series […]
This entry is part 18 of 18 in the series […]
The FUBAR was actually my friend, Seth Lehr’s idea. Seth works for Peace Action West and he often has suggestions for me. In this case, he even drew a sketch. His idea was a chocolate candy named after the…
I did not come up with the idea of cleaning messages into the sidewalk dirt. It’s been done before, sometimes called “reverse graffiti.” A bright young woman who…
Not every city handles Chalkupy as graciously as Oakland does. In LA, Austin and elsewhere, people, children even, are being arrested. The mayor of LA…
OPD lies and ignores their own protocols when it comes to activists. They arrested us on trumped up charges. They arrest people on antiquated statutes…
Chalkupy began after Occupy Oakland was forcibly removed from Oscar Grant Plaza. The final thing to go was the word “OCCUPY”
This entry is part 1 of 18 in the series […]
There’s an essay in my book which begins with a scene on a rooftop of Bushwick, Brooklyn in which a younger version of myself worries about what will happen…
Several people have given me very nice compliments about the four illustrations which populate the pages of Luke Skywalker Can’t Read.
Staring out into space wondering what you’re supposed to be writing next is a familiar scene either to real writers or fake writers in movies. In the latter, the space…
The most famous fantasy novel–The Hobbit–also contains inside of it a pseudo-memoir. Bilbo Baggins claims to be writing his life story; a chronicle of…
Everyone loves to label artists. Think about it: the record store of those stone-age times before iPods divided music into categories for easy shopibility. Rock. Hip-Hop. Polka.
Ryan Britt is the Halley’s comet of pop culture critics: […]
Slam poet Ashe Vernon shares a performance of her poem, “Ashe’s Purple Shoes.” Performance originally published by Sole Sisters Film Shorts, a media project whose…
Slam poet Ashe Vernon shares a performance of her poem, “Post Panic Attack.” Performance originally published by Write About Now, a weekly…
I. They said you had no right / to the softer parts inside your chest. / They said / you were better off without them. / They said / it made you weak. / I’m sorry. / I’m so sorry.