The Fubar
6The FUBAR was actually my friend, Seth Lehr’s idea. Seth works for Peace Action West and he often has suggestions for me. In this case, he even drew a sketch. His idea was a chocolate candy named after the…
The FUBAR was actually my friend, Seth Lehr’s idea. Seth works for Peace Action West and he often has suggestions for me. In this case, he even drew a sketch. His idea was a chocolate candy named after the…
I did not come up with the idea of cleaning messages into the sidewalk dirt. It’s been done before, sometimes called “reverse graffiti.” A bright young woman who…
Not every city handles Chalkupy as graciously as Oakland does. In LA, Austin and elsewhere, people, children even, are being arrested. The mayor of LA…
OPD lies and ignores their own protocols when it comes to activists. They arrested us on trumped up charges. They arrest people on antiquated statutes…
Chalkupy began after Occupy Oakland was forcibly removed from Oscar Grant Plaza. The final thing to go was the word “OCCUPY”
Several people have given me very nice compliments about the four illustrations which populate the pages of Luke Skywalker Can’t Read.
This is an artist whose absolutely uncanny work I also grew up with in my family house, but I had never met her. When I was working on “Curious Worlds,” David Beck…
The biggest change for me in approaching this film and subject was that I knew I could not film it myself—the limits of my skills as…
I always marvel at the way this film grew totally organically out of the sudden death of my father and the way that one of his artists confronted his death. And at the same time…
Olympia Stone grew up in a house where the artworks […]
People were always asking me: “When are you going to paint Ruby?” Ruby was a bearded collie, and my soulful companion since she was a puppy.
People often tell me they feel I’ve captured the soul of their animal in my paintings. It’s true that I feel a great connection to animals—and one of the great joys of my work is that…
I’ve been making paintings my entire adult life and have made all kinds of work: Still Lifes, Landscapes, Portraits, Fantastic Fantasies and more.
This was a fantastic assignment and a great gig: a friend, who’s a successful screenwriter and owns a really great…
For my animal portraits, I’ve created a signature of bright colorful, graphic backgrounds that are fresh, contemporary and timeless. But I love to be challenged…
I first met Robert Lucy as co-creator (with his […]