The Recovering Politician
IntroductionOur first Featured Creative for our July theme of Interdependence is Jonathan Miller, former Kentucky State Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate…
Our first Featured Creative for our July theme of Interdependence is Jonathan Miller, former Kentucky State Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate…
That’s why it is so important to connect on some relatable level. You have something in common with your audience, but it can’t be your wrecked car and their toothache.
I will always savor the moment: proudly standing on a flower-covered dias in a packed, Missouri Houe chamber, with my right hand raised, repeating my oath…
The lessons outlined in this chapter are almost universal. For example, if your business is suffering from a public…
I was disappointed with myself. Like most successful politicians–like most successful leaders in any profession, I imagine–I’m a registered Type A control-freak.
For those readers who have been carefully digesting Steps One through Ten that precede this chapter, you might have concluded…