DISCOVERIES: Jenny Douglas, “To Build a Brooklyn Cottage: Journey of Discovery in Six Parts” (6/6)
What have I learned on the journey of discovery that’s been The Brooklyn Cottage?
What have I learned on the journey of discovery that’s been The Brooklyn Cottage?
In January 2015, the Brooklyn Cottage hosted an event to talk about race.
I thought back to the “instructions” Malidoma Patrice Some had given me…
In April 2012, we picked Dirt as the theme for the Brooklyn Cottage’s second month…
Yazmany and I decided that the Brooklyn Cottage would have monthly themes…
That the The Brooklyn Cottage exists is itself a mini-marvel of the 21st century. This…
I have finally figured out what drives me to make films: I want to connect! Connect with my subjects and connect with my audience. I like intimate, hand-made, personal films.
One of the conundrums about making the films that I do is that I am making the films that I want to make—I’m not making them…
This is an artist whose absolutely uncanny work I also grew up with in my family house, but I had never met her. When I was working on “Curious Worlds,” David Beck…
The biggest change for me in approaching this film and subject was that I knew I could not film it myself—the limits of my skills as…
I always marvel at the way this film grew totally organically out of the sudden death of my father and the way that one of his artists confronted his death. And at the same time…
Olympia Stone grew up in a house where the artworks […]
Musical rounds create hypnotic effects that are good for the brain. The lyrical phrases in the rounds create a mantra-effect or positive fugue of messages. I wrote these 21 Rounds…
Today, I offer the song “Bury My Lovely,” for which I wrote the lyrics and co-wrote the video treatment with director Josh Taft. Emil Adler composed the music.
When I talk about writing, I do so to inspire other writers to create their own work. The one thing I wish I could offer to others would be to remember the thrill of writing, the…
This poem was written from a photo by William DiCecca (whose FB name is Bill DiCamera), which inspired me with its quiet mystic beauty. I seem to remember it as…