PILGRIMAGES: Mike Albo, “Breaking the Binary Literary System” (1/6)
Mike Albo is my humor spirit guide. To see Mike […]
Mike Albo is my humor spirit guide. To see Mike […]
Yes. Going back home is an old story. And it was not easy. My east coast, razzle dazzle, highly voluble husband was completely freaking out about the quirks…
In January 2015, the Brooklyn Cottage hosted an event to talk about race.
I thought back to the “instructions” Malidoma Patrice Some had given me…
In April 2012, we picked Dirt as the theme for the Brooklyn Cottage’s second month…
Yazmany and I decided that the Brooklyn Cottage would have monthly themes…
That the The Brooklyn Cottage exists is itself a mini-marvel of the 21st century. This…
I have finally figured out what drives me to make films: I want to connect! Connect with my subjects and connect with my audience. I like intimate, hand-made, personal films.
One of the conundrums about making the films that I do is that I am making the films that I want to make—I’m not making them…
This is an artist whose absolutely uncanny work I also grew up with in my family house, but I had never met her. When I was working on “Curious Worlds,” David Beck…
The biggest change for me in approaching this film and subject was that I knew I could not film it myself—the limits of my skills as…
Olympia Stone grew up in a house where the artworks […]
Hey, are your shoulders tensed up to your ears? […]
People were always asking me: “When are you going to paint Ruby?” Ruby was a bearded collie, and my soulful companion since she was a puppy.
People often tell me they feel I’ve captured the soul of their animal in my paintings. It’s true that I feel a great connection to animals—and one of the great joys of my work is that…
I’ve been making paintings my entire adult life and have made all kinds of work: Still Lifes, Landscapes, Portraits, Fantastic Fantasies and more.