PILGRIMAGES: Ryan Britt, “Holding Onto Part of the Journey” (6/6)
6There’s an essay in my book which begins with a scene on a rooftop of Bushwick, Brooklyn in which a younger version of myself worries about what will happen…
There’s an essay in my book which begins with a scene on a rooftop of Bushwick, Brooklyn in which a younger version of myself worries about what will happen…
Several people have given me very nice compliments about the four illustrations which populate the pages of Luke Skywalker Can’t Read.
Staring out into space wondering what you’re supposed to be writing next is a familiar scene either to real writers or fake writers in movies. In the latter, the space…
The most famous fantasy novel–The Hobbit–also contains inside of it a pseudo-memoir. Bilbo Baggins claims to be writing his life story; a chronicle of…
Ryan Britt is the Halley’s comet of pop culture critics: […]