The Innovator Package

This intense evaluation takes place over at least three months and molds your idea into a life changing reality. In my experience, the clients who have achieved their goals the fastest have committed to an initial investment of 3 months.

The client will receive

  • receive E-Mail support
  • and all sessions will include regular follow-up notes from Ms. Rowan

Design: This plan is a four hour minimum per month plan, or $250 per hour as part of a $1,000 per month commitment.

You could also invest in $3,000 per quarter; which covers 12 hours of editing/reading/coaching/brainstorming over three months.

If the whole quarter is pre-paid in full, the client will receive an extra bonus 2 hours (reducing the hourly rate to $214), AND greater flexibility with shifting hours around within the quarter.


4 hours ($250/hr) $1,000 btn_buynow_LG
12 hours + bonus 2 hours
= 14 hours ($214/hr)
$3,000 btn_buynow_LG
30 hours ($200/hr) $6,000 btn_buynow_LG