Smart DIY Self-Promo for Dummies with Stephanie Schroeder & Lisa Haas

When: TBA
Cost: TBA
The Writers Room, 740 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Closest Subways: 6 to Astor or N/R to 8th Street/NYU
Limited to 15 students

To carry out a successful PR campaign in today’s crowded marketplace, you need to break through the noise. This workshop will prepare you to overcome the fear of approaching media and concomitant fear of rejection by providing hands-on tools to promote yourself and create your own media opportunities. The workshop emphasizes the strategy of creating a platform and crafting and delivering a holistic message.

The workshop curriculum includes:

  • How to successfully pitch your story to the press.
  • Creating your own media opportunities.
  • Leveraging existing media opportunities.
  • Learning what makes a good story.
  • How to tell your story effectively.
  • Media pitching: Beyond Who-What-Where-When.
  • How to build an appealing platform.
  • Attracting local, regional, and national press.
  • Finding stakeholders beyond the media.
  • Drafting a PR plan.
  • Creating a strategy to execute your PR plan.

Workshop participation involves preparing written work in advance of each session, in-class presentation and discussion, brainstorming with colleagues and instructors, and a Q&A period.

Participants will become familiar with following:

  • PR planning and strategy.
  • Creating a media platform.
  • Recognizing the importance of cohesive brand messaging.
  • Writing an effective press release and media alert on short notice.
  • Writing pitch letters and understanding how to pitch a story.
  • Identifying media appropriately attuned to your topic/project.
  • Learning to find contact information for media outlets.
  • Tips on how to elicit positive responses from journalists.
  • Deciphering what media is right for you: print, websites, blogs, radio, TV.

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StephanieAPRIL2015Instructor: Stephanie Schroeder has over two decades of experience in media relations, strategic communications, and journalism. After a stint as a magazine staff editor, she worked at several top New York City boutique public relations agencies. Stephanie is currently a consulting media relations specialist/communications strategist who focuses on working with clients in the arts. She holds a BA from Hunter College-CUNY and a JD from New York Law School. Stephanie is the author of the memoir Beautiful Wreck: Sex, Lies & Suicide.

Lisa Haas_1Instructor: Lisa Haas has promoted several independent films, all of which premiered at Sundance and toured the festival circuit in the U.S. and abroad. An astute social media strategist, she develops, coordinates and manages content and supports clients in posting, blogging, and social networking. A past recipient of a Jerome Foundation Fellowship, she is a playwright and performer whose work has been produced and presented locally, nationally and internationally. Lisa holds a BFA from Loretto Heights College and an MFA from the University of Montana.

Dates & Time: TBA
Cost: TBA
The Writers Room, 740 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Closest Subways: 6 to Astor or N/R to 8th Street/NYU
Limited to 15 students.

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