Book Proposal Intensive with Victoria C. Rowan

When: Summer 2016: 4 Tues. evenings starting 5/3
Price: $1450
Location: West Midtown Ideasmyth HQ

Early-Bird Bonus: Sign up by 4/15/16 to receive an extra private coaching session
Course limited to 10 students.

Ideasmyth founder, Victoria C. Rowan, has been acknowledged in many critically acclaimed and best-selling books, and has coached many authors who have earned six- and even seven-figure advances. So whether becoming an author has always been your most cherished artistic dream or the necessary next step for you to establish your professional expertise, Ideasmyth’s Book Proposal Intensive will help you polish up your proposal! Novelists, memoirists, monograph writers are also welcome!

Course Provides: 

  • Mentorship and support through a rigorous and pragmatic development of an agent submission package (including cover letter, relevant proposal sections, sample chapters (up to 120 pages)
  • Every week, we critique a sizeable section of your agent submission package
  • Whenever appropriate, Victoria will make personal introductions on behalf of clients to literary agents

Course Logistics: 

  • Two private half-hour brainstorming sessions with each participating client, one prior to the course beginning and the other after the course ends
  • Everyone submits their class assignments every Sunday to a free class website
  • Every week, we critique a sizeable section of your agent submission package
  • Everyone will be assigned a buddy to keep them on track between the Tuesday class and Sunday submission time

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VCR HeadshotInstructor: Ideasmyth Founder Victoria C. Rowan began editing her school’s literary magazine at 16. Since then, she has spent over 25 years working in all forms of media, writing for dozens of publications; providing commentaries for public radio; book packaging; and curating a variety of literary and spoken word events for organizations like the 92nd Street Y and The National Arts Club, for which she received press recognition for her own series.

She founded the educational division of, which became a multi-million-dollar phenomenon. Since launching Ideasmyth in 2000, her nearly 1,000 clients have benefitted from her range of media experience as she has helped them produce their published articles, critically acclaimed books, monographs and theater productions, as well as many other exciting and innovative enterprises.

She considers it her life’s vocation to cultivate and celebrate creativity in all its forms. Having midwife-ed such a range of projects and enterprises  she has come to this conclusion: creativity can only consistently thrive when the rest of the artist’s life works and allows space for its potential. Sessions with Victoria will not only help you craft a better book, essay, play, poem, website copy or business plan, but they will also help you become the person you always wanted to be.

Dates & Times:
Summer 2016: 4 Tues., 7-10pm, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24
Price: $1450
Location: West Midtown Ideasmyth HQ
Early-Bird Bonus: Sign up by 4/15/16 to receive an extra private coaching session
Course Size: Limited to 10 (also able to turn this into a Private Curriculum)

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