Mondays: Write More in the Time You’ve Got with Greg Lichtenberg

website_MasterClass_GregLichtenberg2When:  TBA
EARLY BIRD PRICING: $600; Regular Price: $650
Location: The Writers Room, 740 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Closest Subways: 6 to Astor or N/R to 8th Street/NYU
Limited to 15 students

Whether you struggle to fit writing into a busy schedule or wonder how best to use long open days that seem alarmingly vast, these sane, reliable methods can guide you to work consistently and with pleasure, so you can finish your manuscript without relying on “the clock and the whip” – deadlines and guilt.

In this course, you’ll learn practical approaches to get the most writing out of the time you have, freeing you to enjoy the rest of life.  You’ll develop the practical habits and the emotional flexibility to write on a schedule, avoid “binge-writing,” stay engaged with the world, and under these positive conditions, finish the work that matters most.

This class is not a workshop.  We won’t share manuscripts or do in-class writing exercises.  Instead, you will learn a program of practical steps based on psychological studies of writers at work, meditation, yoga, and the creative practices of highly prolific writers.

You’ll learn to finish projects without burning yourself out and to write reliably for years to come.  The class is open to writers in all forms.  Skeptics are welcome.

Goals of the course:

  • Motivate yourself before the deadline looms
  • Write in the time that you have
  • Prevent writers’ anxiety and depression before they take hold
  • Manage projects that can’t be finished in a short sprint
  • Juggle multiple projects
  • Convert feedback from workshops, editors, or reviewers into practical, non-discouraging directions
  • Refill your creative well and make writing flow enjoyably day after day
  • Intensify your practice to reach your goals

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greglichtenbergInstructor: Greg Lichtenberg is a writer of literary fiction and memoir, a co-writer of popular nonfiction, a husband, a father, and a confirmed believer that writing doesn’t require giving up the rest of your life.

The author of the memoir Playing Catch with My Mother, Greg’s essays and fiction have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Fence, and Dragonfire. He has collaborated on books about yoga and meditation, life coaching, management consulting, and other topics.

A graduate of both the Iowa Writers Workshop (in fiction) and Iowa’s Program in Nonfiction Writing, he has received a James Michener/Copernicus Society Writing Fellowship, as well as The University of Iowa’s Award for Outstanding Teaching.

In 2006, on the basis of his novel-in-progress, Else, Greg received a Chapter One Prize and fellowships from the Jerome Foundation and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.

Dates & Time:  TBA
Early Bird Special: $600; Regular Price: $650
The Writers Room, 740 Broadway, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10003
Closest Subways: 6 to Astor or N/R to 8th Street/NYU
Limited to 15 students.

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