First: The Theme Description
Now that the summer wardrobe’s out of storage and the subway platforms are beginning to feel like the insides of ovens, we thought its a time for a little summer positivity. Thus, we bring you this month’s Summer-Lovin’ theme, during which we celebrate all the things we love the most about summer–from the relaxing beach visits to the ice cream cravings.
Second: Inspirations
Third: Storyboards
Different color combinations were tried, to make the figures “pop” from the background.
The decision was made to omit the volleyball game and to simply make all the tools roast s’mores.
Different Version
To make the animation simpler the cuts were omitted, the final version of the storyboard illustrates how all the action takes place in one scene. Waves were added to fill in the negative space, the size of the sun was also increased and animated to help utilize the space.
Fourth: Static Graphic
Only four tools were chosen to appear in the final animation.
The static graphic was created using Adobe Illustator.
Fifth: Animated Gif
The animation for this gif was created using Adobe After Effects.
Storyboard: Ms.Katarzyna Bibulowicz, Static Graphic: Ms.Katarzyna Bibulowicz, Gif: Ms.Katarzyna Bibulowicz, Description: Ms. Kim Kaletsky